Horsenden Primary School is the closest school to Greenford Quay by Greystar, at just a 6-minute walk away, and has 900 pupils. The school has built a great relationship with Greenford Quay and, when invited to a special Christmas event, took the opportunity to request a return favour: funding to resolve a car park safety issue.

Head teacher, Mrs Emma Appelby, had been concerned that the fence separating the staff car park from the main playground only ran along halfway. “The shrubbery along the rest of the way provided a sufficient barrier in winter but, during the summer, children were able to get through the bushes to the car park to retrieve their balls,” Mrs Appleby explains.

This wasn’t the only safeguarding issue, however. The barrier separating the playground from the car park was on the wrong side of two ground-floor classrooms and needed to be moved in order to keep the pupils safe.

“Greenford Quay was very keen to form a relationship right from the beginning,” enthuses Mrs Appleby. Pupils were invited to participate in the Festive Fun Christmas workshop in December where they met Santa in his magical grotto, listened to festive tales and had a brilliant time making and decorating hanging clay tree ornaments before being presented with Christmas goodie bags. The newly-formed Horsenden Choir, comprising years 5 and 6 students, was also invited to get Greenford Quay’s festive season off to a fantastic start. The choir treated audiences to some rapturous carol singing beside the magnificent Christmas tree (an event neatly summed up by Sharif as ‘epic’!).

“Applying for the money and being awarded the grant was a straightforward process,” remarks Mrs Appleby. “Having that fencing extended has put our minds at ease, knowing that the children are now safe when playing in the playground.”

Opening up local access with the creation of Berkley Avenue has also been a great benefit to Horsenden Primary School because community participation is key: the school also has a Children's Centre on site, offering Stay & Play classes for parents and their children under three, antenatal and baby weighing clinics, and English language classes for adults.

Mrs Appleby continues, “Having Greenford Quay here makes a big difference. I know that many parents are very excited about how it might provide lots of opportunities in terms of shops and restaurants as well as job-wise. Some have even spoken about moving there, even though they already live nearby!”

Horsenden Primary School, Horsenden Lane North, Greenford, Middlesex, UB6 0PB T: 020 8422 5985. E:

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